Sunday, 15 January 2012

My Monthly Make 2012 - January

Hello lovely people!  Hope you are all having a happy sunday? 

Im very pleased to say, I've got my January make all done and dusted already!  Incase you dont know what Im talking about, Im taking part in Annie The Felt Fairy's Monthly Make for 2012.  Im more of a think-I've-got-ages-then-run-out-of-time kind of gal, so Im mega impressed to have my monthly make done and dusted by the 15th January!!

Here it is, or should I say, here they are....

Three lovely needle books in some gorgeous fabrics
Inside view
I wanted to make some needle books for the shop so this seemed like the perfect project for January.  However, Im in love with the cupcake one so may have to keep it.  I'll be honest, its the first time I've done any sewing in 2012 and I had an amazing evening!!  My lovely mum is taking Lillie off my hands for a couple of hours tomorrow morning so, as Madison will be in school aswell, Im going to make up a few more in some of the lovely fabrics that have started arriving! 

Bit of a short post from me today but I have been reading everyones blogs and am still here, working hard on the new site, ordering fabrics and other lovely bits.  My house is doubling up as a warehouse nicely!!

x x


  1. Love your monthly makes - the fabric is gorgeous! Have fun with your new fabrics x

  2. Well done, they're lovely. I adore the fabric on the left hand needlebook, did you patchwork strips together or is that the fabric design?

  3. Just like wag doll, the one on the left is my favourite too, but they are all very pretty and should sell quickly.
    Becky x

  4. I love them all, the fabric you have used is very pretty too xx

  5. Those are lovely! I've just discovered your blog via carrad and thought I'd stop by and say hello :) x
